Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jack tells AMCHAM Luncheon T&T expanding trade with U.S. is government priority

Acting PM Jack Warner with Lt Gov. of Florida, Trinidad-born Jennifer Carroll 
Acting Prime Minister Jack Warner on Tuesday told members of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) and a visiting U.S. trade delegation Trinidad and Tobago is well on its way to attaining developed nation status. He attributed this to continued aggression in economic reforms and in the pursuit of diversification.

The Florida trade delegation is led by the state's Lt Governor, Jennifer Carroll, who was born in Trinidad and emigrated to the United States as a child.

Warner welcomed the delegation on behalf of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who is in Jamaica attending that country's 50th anniversary of independence ceremony. He had a special message from Persad-Bissessar.

"Ms Carroll, the Honourable Prime Minister...has asked me to warmly welcome you on her behalf and to ensure that your visit is a fruitful one," he said. 

He told members of the trade mission, news of T&T's progress towards becoming a developed state means that "you are in the right place, at the right time." He added, "Trinidad and Tobago is not only open for business, but has room and opportunity for everyone." 

Warner said the People's Partnership government has made it clear over the past two years that in order to thrive in the current environment, "we must not only explore and form partnerships, but also encourage and enhance them wherever possible." 

He said Trinidad & Tobago has earned its reputation as one of the leading economies in the Caribbean region through hard work and the commitment of government and the private sector. 

The trade mission has an interest in a variety of areas including: 
  • Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Services
  • Food Processing and Packing
  • Automotive Parts and Services Equipment
  • Telecommunications Equipment
  • Computers and Peripherals
  • Heavy Construction Equipment and Tourism Services
Warner noted that the PP government has undertaken a programme of economic reforms in order to ensure T&T’s continued economic stability and leadership in a changing and at times unpredictable global environment.

"This programme includes reprioritizing Government expenditure, expanding support to the social and education sectors and also 'incentivizing' investments in sectors which we anticipate will drive forward our economic diversification thrust," he said.

He said one such area is the the energy sector, where the fiscal regime governing oil exploration has been comprehensively reviewed. 

"In fact, you may be interested to know that we will for the very first time in our over 100 years in the business of oil production, be entering deep water exploration, following a successful deep water bid round. Production sharing contracts have already been signed and activity is expected to begin shortly," he declared.

"Our Tourism product has also been brought into the spotlight with a much deeper focus on developing the sector and supporting stakeholders in re-tooling and modernizing their operations.

"As part of this programme, the Government has undertaken a programme of expansion of the stock of hotel rooms available to the high end tourism markets. Just recently, the Magdalena Grand Hotel in Tobago was commissioned to service those markets and incentives have been introduced to support comprehensive upgrades in room stocks by local hotel operators.

"The Government has also given significant attention to ICT and human capital development."  

Warner also spoke of the government's focus on agriculture as a means of combating the high cost of food both at home and internationally.

With respect to doing business, Warner pointed to the administration's shift to electronic Government with particular emphasis on ease, simplicity and efficiency in doing business.

He said, "What this means is that the bureaucracy that traditionally frustrates the energy and enthusiasm of investors is being systematically addressed."

Warner also spoke of the economy and the countries rise. "The 2011 UN Human Development Index (HDI) report ranks Trinidad and Tobago at 62 out of 187 nations. This means that we are in the top third of countries in the world in the context of human development."

He invited the Americans to partner with Trinidad & Tobago so that together "we can all successfully navigate the sometimes volatile global economy." 

He added, "there can be no better place to begin exploring the possibilities than in familiar and cherished territory here in Trinidad and Tobago...explore the opportunities that are available and discover the hidden treasures which have made us "The Best Tourist Destination for 2012" by the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade."

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