Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jack says PP strong and getting stronger

Jack Warner: "As long as she (Kamla) is there, the ship is in good hands".
Jack Warner held a one-hour meeting with his Political Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar Tuesday at the Diplomatic Centre and told reporters afterwards that they can see a new, less adversarial chairman of the United National Congress (UNC).

The Works and Infrastructure Minister scored a landslide victory in the UNC internal election on Saturday, winning more votes - 12,656 - than any other candidate.

"I have to rebrand myself into a new kind of chairman and be less adversarial and be more humble and unassuming and inclusive," Warner told reporters as he left the Diplomatic Centre.

Journalists wanted to hear Warner's comments on a statement by the Chairman of the Congress of the People (COP), Joseph Toney, who declared that the defection of San Fernando Mayor Marlene Coudray to the UNC and her winning a post of Deputy Leader of the UNC makes the governing coalition "fragile".

Warner said: "He must be know something that I do not know, and I as chairman of the UNC, I am not aware of any fragility in the People's Partnership. We must be using different yardsticks.

"I do not have the information he has to come to that judgment," Warner said as he expressed confidence in the partnership. "I believe that we are strong and getting stronger every day. There will be a difference of opinion, but there is no reason for us to panic. As chairman of the UNC, I am not panicking, I am not unduly worried," he said.

"I think that we are fortunate to have the kind of prime minister and political leader we have, who embraces all and who runs a government that is truly democratic, and I believe as long as she is there the ship is in good hands," Warner said.

Warner pledged to work with the new UNC executive to strengthen the party and gave the assurance that there is "no bad blood" in the aftermath of the internal election campaign.

"With the new executive we have and the working relationship we have with all the members, I am quite sure we are in for better days. Better days are ahead, are coming, so to speak," Warner said.

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