Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Marlene challenges COP to prove that she is a COP mayor

UNC Deputy Leaders Roodal Moonilal and Marlene Coudray
Marlene Coudray on Tuesday challenged Congress (COP) political leader Prakash Ramadhar to prove that COP nominated her to be mayor of San Fernando.

She was responding to COP's call for her to be removed as mayor and replaced by a COP nominee. 

Ramadhar told reporters at a media briefing that Coudray's defection to the United National Congress (UNC) amounted to a power grab by the UNC to "take the leadership of the San Fernando Corporation". He also said it was a breach of the Fyzabad Accord.

Coudray told the Guardian she will not respond to Ramadhar's call for her removal "unless the COP can provide evidence that they nominated me to the office of the mayor of San Fernando.”

COP is angry that Coudray left the party and joined its coalition partner, the United National Congress (UNC), and won a post of Deputy Leader of the UNC in last Saturday's UNC elections.

"If they cannot provide that evidence then they are not eligible to ask to have me removed unless they could provide evidence that they nominated me," she added. 

Coudray said publicly last week that the UNC nominated her for the post of Mayor of San Fernando and UNC deputy leader Roodal Moonilal corroborated that. So far COP has not denied it.

Coudray didn't comment on the issue of the Fyzabad Accord, saying that she was not a part of that agreement. "I am just a citizen who exercised my right. I do not know about any accord," she said.

Moonilal told the Guardian the leaders of the People's Partnership are due to meet on Thursday and that matter is best discussed with the leadership. “It will be premature of me to comment on that since it has not been raised by the leadership privately,” Moonilal told the paper.

Moonilal stood by Coudray’s decision to contest the party’s internal elections. 

"Ms Coudray, like every citizen, has a constitutional right to join or belong to any political party of her choice and until the constitution is amended that still obtains. The Partnership is very solid. We always have had minor challenges and I am sure that this is just one,” he said.

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