Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Warner promises $0.5M for south landslips

Jack Warner comforts residents, promises to fix problems
Jack Warner promised on Boxing Day to spend a half a million dollars to fix dozens of landslides in the Princes Town and tableland areas.

The Works and Transport Minister initially visited the areas on Christmas Eve and returned Monday with a team of officials including 
Minister of Public Utilities Emmanuel George and Minister the MP for the area, Clifton DeCoteau. 

Warner told residents, "I have told the engineer and Director of Drainage to put these repairs down as emergency works so that we can make it passable for vehicles and trucks. We should take five to six days to fix this.”  

He explained that the repairs will be temporary and will last for up to two years.

He said more extensive works would be on his agenda for 2012. The Minister noted that on July 20 he submitted a note to Cabinet to get $404 million to fix landslips throughout the country over a six-year period. 

“I have done a survey so I know all the landslips. People must have patience and we must tell people what we doing,” Warner said. 

DeCoteau said there were several residents at Realize Road and Contention Branch Road whose homes have fallen down. Warner said at least six households would have to be relocated.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai