Monday, December 26, 2011

AG Ramlogan suggests special court to prosecute Ish and Steve

AG Ramlogan spoke with reporters at a toy distribution event in south Trinidad
Attorney General Anand Ramlogan has dismissed suggestions that he gave businessmen Ish Galbaransingh and Steve Fergusson their freedom by deciding not to appeal a High Court ruling that quashed their extradition to the United States to face several charges.

Romlogan told reporters what is required is a “Dole Chadee-type court” to prosecute them instead of continuing with lengthy court delays.

“We must respect the independence of our own court system and the administration of criminal justice. I don’t think the Government is worried in this matter," he said.  

"It is not that Ish and Steve have escaped. It is just that they have to be brought before a court of law in the quickest possible time.” 

He added: “In fact, it is my hope that the Chief Justice and those stakeholders from the criminal justice system will convene a ‘Dole Chadee-type court’ on an ad hoc basis, having regard to the long meandering in this matter, and let the defendants have their day before a judge and jury. 

"The time has come for that.” Ramlogan said the Government has spent more than $100 million since the businessmen were first charged in 2002."

Ramlogan stated that an appeal would have cost the government even more. "If witnesses didn’t die there would have been fresh legal arguments on the grounds of the extent of pre-trial delay. At the end of it all, justice would not have been served,” Ramlogan said. 

“I think the criminal justice system would have taken a terrible blow and be brought into further disrepute if we had allowed this legal adventure to continue without any end in sight. 

"The longest rope must have an end. The defendants have not been freed. What we have done is to clear the way for them to have a fair trial before a judge and jury in a court of law and let justice take its course, according to law.” 

Ramlogan also dismissed suggestions that his refusal to appeal the matter has damaged diplomatic relations with the United States. 

He said the country continues to share meaningful relations with the US and declared that he is comfortable with his decision.

“My heart is clean, my conscience is clear and my mind is satisfied because I acted in accordance with the law," he said. 

"It cannot make any sense to allow for legal adventures to continue in this matter where we have wasted almost a decade and spent more than $100 million in T&T with not a single day in court."

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