Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Health Minister says hospitals filthy, wants in-house cleaning staff

Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan is shaking things up at the country's hospitals in the new year.

One of the changes will see staff janitors instead of cleaning contractors. The minister said despite the hiring of scores of contractors for cleaning the conditions at health institutions are well below acceptable standards. 

He said hiring in-house cleaning contractors on a 24-hour basis will make the system more transparent and reliable. 

"The hiring of external contractors would be stopped throughout all the Regional Health Authorities (RHA). It is millions of dollars being spent and the public hospitals are filthy and no work is being done,” Khan said. 

He said once a contract was awarded externally it became very difficult to stop because of clauses within the contract.
Khan said anyone can see cobwebs along the corridors of the Port-of-Spain General. "It has not been dusted and it is stink,” he said. 

He added that the in-house system would be more efficient and cost effective. “I do not want anybody working eight to four. It is cheaper, the workers would be monitored in real time," Khan said.

“There would be no room for excuses. If they are not up to standard, then they would be promptly asked to leave,” he added. 
“It seems that no one was monitoring these external cleaning contractors. I don’t know why and I don’t know why they have been allowed to get away without doing their jobs,” the minister declared.

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