Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rowley reporting PM Kamla to Integrity Commission for staying at friend's house

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley told reporters Wednesday he will refer Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to the Integrity Commission.

Speaking at a news conference, Rowley said now that Persad-Bissessar has admitted that she stayed at the private residence of contractors Ralph and Maureen Gopaul at Pasea Road in Tunapuna it could be that she is in breach of the Integrity in Public Life Act by "accepting a gift" from a person who was  conducting business with the Government.

It is not clear if the company was doing any business with government at the time.

The Gopauls own the contracting business Gopaul & Company Ltd., which submitted a bid for a $40 million contract with National Petroleum to transport petroleum products. NP has not yet awarded anyone the contract

"It is understood that one hand cannot clap. So the Integrity of Public Life Act Section 27:1 forbids the acceptance of gifts on the part of a public official who holds the status of Prime Minister and other similar types of officials," Rowley said.

He said he plans to present the Integrity Commission with the questions relating to the Prime Minister's stay at the house which the opposition filed in both houses of Parliament along with the Government's responses, as well as transcripts of statements on the issue made outside the Parliament.

One source familiar with the Integrity legislation told JYOTI that Rowley's case is not valid. He explained that the home where the Prime Minister stayed was a private residence at which she was offered the hospitality of her hosts.

In that context it is not considered a gift since the residence is not a place of business similar to a hotel. In the particular case, the source said, Persad-Bissessar's action in staying at the home of friends cannot be considered as a gift.

The Prime Minister is not bothered by Rowley's moves. Speaking with reporters at Brechin Castle Wednesday, she said she has "absolutely no problem" with the opposition leader's plan. "My hands are clean and my heart is pure," she said.

The chairman of the Integrity Commission told the Trinidad Express the whole controversy could have been avoided if the PM had stayed at a hotel. Eric St Cyr told the paper that is his personal opinion. "We haven't investigated or gone into the details, but it's clear and that's in my opinion," he said.

Retired former head of the Civil Service Reginald Dumas told the paper the PM does not appear to be in breach of the act although her decision to stay with the Gopauls might be seen as an error in judgment. "It would have been better to spend the money and stay in the Hyatt or the Hilton," he said.

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