Friday, May 20, 2011

Letter: Integrity chair has compromised commission

I am very concerned and indeed troubled by an interview in today’s (Thursday) Express newspaper captioned “Kamla should have stayed at a hotel”. 

The story quotes the Chairman of the Integrity Commission, Eric St Cyr, as saying that the controversy surrounding a $40 million contract allegedly given to Gopaul and Company Ltd could have been avoided if the Prime Minister had stayed at a hotel.
This matter has only a “threat” from Rowley to refer the Prime Minister to the Integrity Commission but already the Chairman of that Commission has made his opinion known. 

By his utterances, St Cyr has cast serious doubts on the integrity of the very Commission that he heads; he has already formed an adverse judgment and/or opinion beforehand without knowledge or examination of the facts. 

The Chairman and members of the IC should have no pre-conceived opinion or vested interest about any case whatsoever; St Cyr has shown his bias and he has literally pronounced judgement against the Prime Minister!

This is not the first time that St Cyr has commented on and made his opinions publicly known on matters that are either before the IC or yet to be referred to IC. This is indeed totally unacceptable. St Cyr has compromised his position.

Capil Bissoon | Brampton, Ontario - Canada.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai