Thursday, May 19, 2011

Letter: Rowley out of line

Dr. Keith Rowley, famously renowned as Manning’s “Rott”, seems to have smelt a trail of bogus blood in his search for the PM’s around the premises of her friends the Gopauls.

He has concluded that Kamla’s first act as PM was to receive gifts contrary to the Integrity Act.

For this to be so as a consequence of Kamla’s stay at the Gopauls’ she would have had to have received such gifts in her private capacity from an establishment of board and lodge run as a business by the Gopauls for which payment would have been expected in normal course, and she would have been required to declare such gift in her financial accounting returns.

As it is, Kamla was for a period unable to occupy the official PM’s residence to which she was entitled and as Prime Minister accepted accommodation at a private residence as PM. 

In this circumstance the State benefitted, not Kamla. The Gopauls offered their private residence in friendship to the PM, as if she were at her own residence.

It is inconceivable that by staying at her own home, she could be charged with receiving an illegal gift from herself or family. Staying at a private non-commercial residence as a guest, is in no way equivalent to staying as a non-paying guest at a commercial Hotel or Guesthouse where payment is waived as a personal gift.

Had she stayed gratis at Crowne Plaza, which she might very well have in the circumstances, then the Rott would have had his genuine bone of contention.

In the present scenario, reporting the PM vindictively and inappropriately to the Integrity Commission seems to be making this course much in vogue and the effect will soon pale. 

As the boy who cried wolf, our Rott may find a muzzle being placed upon him simply to keep the peace which he is intent on disturbing.


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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai