Monday, May 16, 2011

Guest column - Performance vindicates - by M.F. Rahman

The public demands perfection. The media seeks the public welfare. Our composite national constituency went to the polls one year ago and resoundingly voted out a non-performing, corrupt, spendthrift, self seeking government, hoping for better.

By God's Grace, we now have a well performing, corruption rejecting, prudent, national minded government struggling to deliver as promised, with its cadre of very human resource, some of whom will inevitably falter under the demands of ethics and morality.

Within the government apparatus, there will be conflicts and disagreements, but the ship of state is sailing along with its greatest challenge coming from the very people who demanded better government and have received it thanklessly.

The people unrealistically demand a perspicacity that is beyond human capacity. They demand instant justice, instant rectification, constant perfection and performance. Threats fly around seeking to stampede the administration into terrorized response. We seem to have a wish for self fulfilling foreboding.

Perhaps we deserved a Manning administration that did not give a damn for what the people thought or needed. The present administration is facing concerted opposition from opportunist supporters and malcontents seeking that which they vociferously condemn in imaginative accusations.

The human element must not be dismissed.

The Government as I have stated so often is comprised of fallible human beings, the sole superhuman being the remarkable MOWT whose spectacular accomplishments will attain to legend. 

But the work of the administration continues, and the promise of Hon. Prakash Ramadhar is that very soon we shall see action taken against crime.

For myself, I encourage the PM and her Cabinet to persevere, and not be discouraged by the clear hostility they face from the public and the media.

The media is playing itself. The public will always be fickle. But the Government must remain forever constant and true to its mission. They have undertaken a tremendous responsibility to restore our pristine land and elevate our people. They must stay the course and continue ever to serve the people even in ingratitude and unreasonableness.

M.F. Rahman is a political commentator and a former Opposition Senator 

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai