Friday, May 20, 2011

Gopaul & Company says it has been maligned and vilified for no reason

The owners of Gopaul and Company Ltd have placed an ad in the local press stating that the family's name has been "maligned and vilified without reason" over details of a $40 million contract being made public.

The company noted that it has been operating successfully in Trinidad and Tobago for decades and could have "legitimately" secured a contract from National Petroleum Marketing Company (NP)".

The ad noted that the company had previously won several State contracts under the former administration based on merit.

"Does it mean now that a new Government is in office, Gopaul and Company Ltd is no longer permitted to tender for any State contract because our family and the Bissessars have known each other and shared each other's hospitality?" the company asked in the ad.

The company said NP contacted them and offered a contract split with a competitor. It said it agreed to such an arrangement but the other company, CDS Transport, did not.

It explained that Gopaul and Company made a bid to supply tractor and tractor-trailer units, which would be attached to NP tankers. "These tankers would be operated by NP's professionally trained operators exclusively," it said.

The company said it had secured a relationship with Man Ltd, a UK-based truck manufacturer to provide both equipment and support services. "Our combined resources and our local experience ensured we put together a winning bid," it said.

CDS, which had a contract with NP for nearly 10 years, won the contract during the Manning administration. Its lawyer wrote the energy minister asking for an investigation into the award of the contract to determine if there was any bias.

Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan responded immediately and ordered an independent investigation. However officials explained that contrary to media reports and claims by CDS NP had not awarded any contract.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai