Friday, November 12, 2010

Muslims want Rambachan reassigned, demands apology from minister

Some members of the Muslim community in Trinidad and Tobago are upset at developments at the state-owned CNMG with respect to then removal of talk show host Fazeer Mohammed from the morning program 'First Up'.

And they staged a demonstration Thursday outside the television station on Maraval Road, Port of Spain.

Mohammed was moved from the show two days after an interview with Foreign Minister Dr Suruj Rambachan during which both men had a heated exchanged about the role of women in leadership.

Critics, including some Muslims, immediately drew a connection between the two incidents and have called for an explanation. 

CNMG said it was part of a cost cutting exercise. On Thursday the company also explained that there was no political interference in the matter and that Mohammed will be reassigned to another post.

The demonstrators were led by Imitiaz Mohammed,
head of the Islamic Missionaries Guild of the Caribbean and South America, which is part of Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago, which Mohammed also leads.

Mohammed insisted on drawing a religious connection to the whole affair.
were unhappy with that explanation and suggested that Ramabachan should also be reassigned and that the minister should apologise for what they say was an attack on their religion.
 “The minister’s line of questioning of Fazeer discriminated against his religious beliefs...We believe the minister was out of place to ask the question of Fazeer that he did,” Mohammed said.

“The questioning showed lines of religious intolerance by the minister, but not necessarily the Government by extension. 

"If the Prime Minister says Fazeer is being put in a better place to serve, we ask her if he wasn’t serving best on the show and I can ask the same for Minister Rambachan: that he be placed in a position to better serve the Government and country—he’s not serving properly in his present capacity.

“We’re asking the Prime Minister to keep a check on her ministers and the things they say,” Mohammed said.

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Jai & Sero

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