Sunday, August 8, 2010

Letter: UNC vs COP ole talk

Rich with conspiracy theories, much to the delight of an audience entertained by mystery, we Trinbagonians relish the political gossip.

The theatre of politics is nothing more than everyday political gamesmanship that is played in every country, in every political party and in every society since time immemorial.

Folks, we are the audience, and our wisdom to recognise politics in play is essential to differentiate between substance and ole talk.

The coalition is, in fact, a partnership of (primarily) two independent parties. I think the confusion embedded in the propaganda is in not recognising the difference between the Government in power, and the political parties that make up the Government.

Marriages, like our Government, are a partnership of individuals that come together as one union yet both uniquely balanced by their individuality. There is no cause for concern or alarm with this natural occurrence because it is a normal constituent of the structure that makes up a coalition.

However, over zealous political antagonists attempt to pollute the United National Congress (UNC)/Congress of the People (COP) marriage for their own selfish reasons, in contempt of the people's will.

Politically, it is altogether correct each party stands united in Government while recognising its own party identity.

The rumours of divisions is an invention by those who either fail to understand or refuse to accept the coalition is a victory of, by, and for the people, and it is the people who voted 21 (UNC) to six (COP).

Should the parties decide to completely merge to become one political entity, or not, does not detract from the success of the People's Partnership Government.

It appears the only relevant argument provoked by some, and fuelled by obstructionists to the people's Government, is the UNC, having the clear majority in Parliament, is the proverbial "big brother" in the partnership.

Perhaps there is some truth to this argument. Perhaps not.

Either way, it is the electorate of our land, not the politicians or political pundits who decide who will govern our nation, and the people's votes decided the UNC is in the majority.

I trust there is validity, in defence of the UNC, by virtue of their clear parliamentary majority, that they have earned the right to be the "chairman of the board".

In a democracy, the people's choice is the law, and it must be honoured. Therefore, in respect of our people's democracy, it calls for a UNC chairmanship, and hence our faith in our Prime Minister and her decisions in forming our people's Government.

For some depreciators, 21-6 equates co-chairmanship, co-prime minister and co-everything. In my view, the "co-equivalence" formula imagined by the opposers is evidently baseless and is the root cause of the noise and gossip.

Perhaps there is room to debate this co-sharing equivalence; however, there is no precedence of law or historical record (that I know of) where a majority government ignores the people's will and relinquishes their right to govern in the majority.

Sound and decisive leadership and good governance practices require a chairman to govern the people's business, and the UNC is the rightful leadership substantiated by their parliamentary majority, and by extension, the Prime Minister's right by virtue of her office to lead the coalition Government should not be challenged but rather supported by the coalition partners in agreement.

The People's Partnership Government is a winning solution, democratically elected, supported by the people and a work in progress between the COP and UNC partners.

We salute the coalition's good governance and maturity and expect the people's confidence will grow because they serve the people, serve the people, serve the people.

Brian Stone

Read related story: Dookeran committed to People's Partnership

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai