Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dookeran committed to People's Partnership

It seems media reports have sensationalised comments made by Congress of the People leader Winston Dookeran and taken his quotes out of context.

Media reports on the speech to winning COP councillors quoted Dookeran as saying that COP can now stand alone. But they did not say that the COP leader spoke of that in context of the of the strength of the People's Partnership.

"The People's Partnership is the current manifestation of the idea of new politics. Always remember that," Dookeran told supporters.

He said he has always had a vision of new politics for the 21st century and was very specific that the The People's Partnership is part of the new politics of "There is no need for divisions and separations", he stressed.

The COP leader made the comments as he spoke about his absence from the management of the campaign. As COP leader he said he delegated the task to members of his party's leadership and he was proud of the job they did.

He made the statement: "I have a party that can run on its own" in the context of addressing the issue of COP running without his presence.

Read Dookeran's full speech
Related story: Warner calls Dookeran's 'standing alone' comment 'unfortunate'

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai