Tuesday, July 9, 2013

There is no cabal. PM Kamla explains how cabinet works

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said on Monday night Jack Warner's behaviour is like that of a "man who beats his wife". She made the comment at a UNC meeting at the Warren Road Regional Complex.

She said the former cabinet minister keeps saying he has nothing against her but keeps beating up on members of the cabinet. "You cannot criticize, castigate and ridicule incessantly members of my family and say you love me," she said.

She explained that what Warner calls a cabal is a legitimate part of the governing structure of which he was a part until he left the cabinet.

"Under our system of Government, the executive arm consists of the Cabinet which in this case is selected by me. In this Cabinet we have ministers responsible for developing and carrying out government's policies. As Prime Minister I am what is know as "primus inter pares" or "first among equals".

"The Prime Minister appoints Cabinet members and we are all bound by the principle of collective responsibility. We argue, suggest alternative perspectives and then most of the times we arrive at a consensus and we are bound by these decisions.

"In other words you cannot attack any of my ministers who have acted in good faith and are part of my Cabinet and say you have nothing against me.

"I am ultimately responsible to the people of Trinidad and Tobago who have elected this PP government. Anyone who criticizes your government, your Cabinet members, your candidate for Chaguanas West, cannot at the same time say that they are not against your party or your elected Prime Minister...
"There is no room for twisted logic or not so subtle attempts to hoodwink you

"So long as they remain in my Cabinet, I am ultimately responsible...There is no cabal. And to say that is to insult members of our Cabinet and the system of open and consultative governance under which we operate," the PM said.

"I am a woman. And I am strong. I don’t need anybody to tell me what to do. Nobody can control me except YOU because I am your servant. And I have instructed all members of my government to understand that service to you is their primary responsibility. 

"I don’t bully people. I discuss and consult. So when I meet with my ministers it is to work on plans for you. That is good governance. That is how we work in your party; that is how we work in the People’s Partnership and that is how we work in government. Dialogue, consultation and consensus."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai