Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Residents won't solve problems with highway to Point Fortin by joining labour: Roopnarine

Cutting the ribbon to open new OJT centre
Stacy Roopnarine warned on Tuesday that residents of Debe who are lobbying to change the route of the highway to Point Fortin won't solve the problem by joining forces with the labour movement.

The minister in the works and infrastructure ministry was speaking with reporters at the opening of the On-The-Job (OJT) Training Programme sub-regional office in Debe.

The Highway Re-Route Movement wants the ministry to change the route of a section of the Debe/Mon Desir section of the highway.

The ministry agreed last week to halt work on that part of the project for about four months to conduct further studies to determine if it is feasible to change the route.

Now the movement led by Wayne Kublalsingh is getting support from the Oilfield Workers' Trade Union and other groups affiliated with the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ), one of the five members of the People's Partnership (PP) governing coalition. 

Wayne Kulalsingh joins hands with Ancel Roget 
OWTU’s president general Ancel Roget vowed to stop the highway, which he claims would upset wildlife and displace 13 communities. 

Roget said, “Once they pass the highway through here, communities will be affected by flooding. It makes no sense. We are against the corruption in governance so we are going to mount an epic struggle, joining hands in this communities, as we join hands with farmers.”

Roopnarine said on Tuesday, “In my respectful view, there is no resolution in groups joining up and protesting. However, that is their right in a democratic society and if people choose to do that then so be it, but I think the more productive way to go is to have dialogue and communication.”

The minister, who is the MP for Oropouche West where the highway passes, said: “Our doors are open. Minister (Jack) Warner and I have indicated that we hope to come to some form of resolution on the issue and do what is in the best interest of the majority of the people.”

Roopnarine said consultations have been planned with smaller groups of people. She also said that she been speaking with individual residents. She also stated that she was surprised to learn than people are objecting to being relocated to Petit Morne when they are the ones who suggested that site.

Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal said what is happening is a classic conflict of local interest against national policy. "There can be no development without conflict. You have to get around that through consensus building and I am hoping at the end of the day we will have consensus," he said.

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