Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jack promises to end neglect of squatters in Manning's constituency

Residents show Jack Warner old letters of comfort
People who live in the constituency of San Fernando East complained to Jack Warner on Tuesday that they lack proper representation and have been neglected.

Warner, who is acting Prime Minister for the next week, heard the complaints Tuesday afternoon during a visit to the squatting community of Blitz Village.

People there told the minister they have waited for between 12 and 22 years to get their status regularised. They also said they have no water, no electricity, no proper roads and no drains.

They showed him letters of comfort received since Sadiq Baksh was works minister in the Panday UNC government. They complained that their MP, former Prime Minister Patrick Manning, threatened them with eviction and relocation when he became PM.

Warner promised to help but asked them not to "burn tyres and protest." He said, "Have faith, we will fix this." 

He promised to return with Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal and Public Utilities Minister Emmanuel George to view the squatting community.

Speaking with reporters, Warner said, "This is a reflection of the kind of neglect which other areas have suffered. 

"If people in San Fernando East are as neglected as you can see for yourself, you can understand why people in the rest of the country are feeling aggrieved and hurt," he added. He said the people of San Fernando East have been taken for granted and vowed to change that. "We shall correct the situation. I promise you."

Manning has been ill since the beginning of the year. He suffered a stroke in January and is currently in the United States getting medical treatment. The Parliament has granted him extended medical leave. However the problems identified by the constituents date back to the time Manning was head of government.

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