Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Transport minister wants to know why former CAL board member got $2M contract from CAL

File: Transport Minister Devant Maharaj
Transport Minister Devant Maharaj has written to Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and the chairman of the Integrity Commission, Ken Gordon, about the selection of former Caribbean Airlines (CAL) director Dr Shafeek Sultan-Khan to provide services for national carrier in 2010.

The Express newspaper reported Wednesday that the airline paid Sultan-Khan more than two million dollars to provide human resource consultancy services while he was serving as a member of the airline's the board.

It said the money was paid through two of Sultan-Khan's companies—Caribbean Corporate Clinic and Ask International Management Services. One contract was for $2.5 million (US$401.5M) and the other for $103,444.

Maharaj is claiming that Sultan-Khan participated in the board meeting in which the board approved his services to meet the Jamaica Operation Team prior to CAL's acquisition of Air Jamaica's routes.

The Express said it has seen a copy of the confirmed board minutes, which lists the members present as: Chairman Lok Jack, director Gervase Warner, director Sultan-Khan. Three directors constitute a quorum.

Chief executive at the time, Captain Ian Brunton, vice president of Finance and Information systems Walter Tan, vice president of Corporate Services/Corporate Secretary Rachel Laquis, legal counsel and assistant corporate secretary Wendy Kerry and three consultants - William Lucie-Smith, Prof Jean Frederic Mognetti and Jan Krutzina also attended that meeting, the paper reported.

It said the board meeting was held on January 28, 2010. It quoted a section of the minutes that dealt with the Jamaican Operation: 

"The chairman emphasised that the day to day operations of Caribbean Airlines must not be compromised as a result of the potential deal and therefore suggested that a team comprising of Prof Mognetti (Team Leader), Mr Jan Krutzina (Consultant), Dr Shafeek Sultan-Khan (Human Resources Consultant) should lead the project.

"Dr Sultan-Khan was asked to lead the human resource and industrial relations aspects given his extensive experience and expertise in this area and the potential risks associated with this project. 

"The Board indicated its full trust and confidence in Dr Sultan-Khan to lead this aspect of the transaction noting that his qualifications extend also to Jamaican industrial relation laws."

The Express said it asked Sultan-Khan about the matter. The paper said he stated that he was approached by the chairman and the full board to assist with other consultants. 
File: Shafeek Sultan-Khan
"I not only declared my interest but also noted the implications. However, the board persuaded me because of my past history as a legal/management specialist in airline matters since 1973 as a lawyer for TALPA up to the closure of BWIA. This was minuted," he said.

"I expected a reaction for obvious reasons but the truth will prevail. I am not worried because my role was transparent and in accordance with good governance and directors fiduciary duty responsibilities," Sultan-Khan added.

Sultan-Khan's two companies had previously worked for CAL's predecessor, BWIA.

The Express said it was told by Lok Jack that the board had been pleased with the work done by Sultan-Khan even before the closure of BWIA and the board asked him to conduct the same exercise with Air Jamaica.

"We were very happy with him, we got quality work done. The board was fully apprised of his work, it was fully minuted and it made sense to have him there because of his extensive experience. 

"He is probably the best industrial relations consultant in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean. We also got good value for money as he did not charge his normal fee because he was a CAL director," the Express quoted Lok Jack as saying.

Maharaj is not impressed. He told the Express: "If this had happened under the People's Partnership government the way the media and the Opposition scrutinise everything, would the public be as forgiving? 

"How could a board member be allowed to participate in a board meeting in which his services were selected?" he asked.

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