Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rambachan upset about closing of police stations

Gran Couva Police station - one of two stations that will now operate as a police call centre 12 hours a day
Tabaquite MP Suruj Rambachan is upset that two police stations in his constituency have been closed.

And he has written his cabinet colleague, National Security Minister John Sandy, about it.

Rambachan, who is also the Communications and Foreign Affairs Minister, said Tuesday people are disappointed about the decision to close the Gran Couva and Brasso Police Stations. He noted that people had to stage demonstrations to get a police post at Brasso.

With respect to Gran Couva, Ramabachan said the absence of a police station makes residents vulnerable, since the closest station is several miles away at Couva.

Rambachan feels that it is disrespectful that the stations were closed without any consultation with the MP.

The police service closed both stations as part of its news 21st Century police initiative.

Customer service centres will operate from the station compounds from 9 a.m to 9 p.m. seven days a week. Citizens would have to 999 or contact other police stations in case of a crime emergency.

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