Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rowley pays tribute to Kenny

Opposition leader Dr Keith Rowley has described the later Prof. Julian Kenny as "a stalwart in the field of earth sciences." 

In paying tribute to Kenny, who died Tuesday, Rowley said the professor's passing is a great loss for the community of biologists in Trinidad and Tobago and the in the region.

Rowley was a student of Kenny many years ago. 

He said, "We had many areas of interest. He really contributed to local research. He wasn't one of those persons who just talked, but he went out there in the field, did the research and produced the information. And he has left us with a wealth of information in local biology and local environmental conditions that we should be very grateful for."

Rowley added, "We have lost a real stalwart in the field of earth sciences. He wasn't content to be just a professor teaching." He noted that Kenny was "forever gathering new information."

The opposition leader said Kenny's photography and writings have "forever educated us in the areas of life sciences. There is a lot of work available on local species both plant and animal which has to do with the pioneering work he did."

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