I have already stated how Manning cleverly “withdrew” the PNM from government so that he and they could not be blamed for the coming economic collapse and subsequent social disorder.
Of course, Keith Rowley was excluded from this conspiracy, and therefore remains in denial still—even as talk of a plot to dump him gains credence.
But although I had, admittedly belatedly (at first I thought Manning had lost his mind, and maybe he did, but differently than I had assumed) “prophesized” what is already happening, I did not think it would gain momentum so quickly.
So, already the villains for our difficulties now coming to light are Kamla, Dooks and Jack! And the PNM sycophants will throw in Rowley—he being the “traitor” who, in the minds of the ignorant, being force fed by Imbert and others, brought down the PNM and caused “we to lose we wuks”.
So we are in the streets, PSA and CLICO victims, all supported and encouraged by the PNM, those lovely, caring people whom Rowley caused to be kicked out before they could have given the PSA their increases, donated all the money to the CLICO victims and paid all the bills which the State owed to contractors and suppliers who had to line up behind the Chinese, the Malaysians and Calder Hart.
A couple of years ago, when the money was flowing, the labour movement asked for their share of the pie. The PNM, supported by business and some media, told them that it would be “inflationary” to give them increases.
This column differed, and pointed out that huge profits, high rents, excessive salaries, and big buildings were driving inflation far more than an increase in workers’ wages would. But Labour seemed to agree with the government then, and backed down… to prevent inflation, I suppose!
Instead labour insisted then, as they are insisting now, on their increases, the government might have been forced to cut much of their wasteful and corrupt expenditure and redirect money to the working class, who were “compensated” by feeling so proud of the Waterfront, NAPA and the Emperor’s Palace.
But they held their peace and waited for the new government. And so the PSA, already rocked with its own divisions, ahs now united with the support of the PNM to shut down the country.
Poor Mr. Duke—first attacked for supporting the Partnership, is now is being embraced by people like Amery Browne, who earlier supported firing the whole of Inland Revenue and Customs. Figure it out folks!
I support a wage increase for the public service. I see it as the economic stimulus which Business is asking for. I believe that a wage increase will see the workers spending money for Divali and for Christmas, something which business is preying (sic) for.
But I do not know where the money will come from, except from the reduction in wasteful and corrupt spending. And I wonder: why does the PSA not go to the Industrial Court on this matter? And the answer is that this is political, not economic, and Duke and his PSA are being used-- they may not realize it yet-- by the PNM.
Related: Column: Is the PSA "uprising" really about money?
But if you think the PSA is being “used”, what about the CLICO victims. They have had a real surge of PNM rabblerousing into their heads. They are issuing ultimatums now to this government.
They care nothing about the people who conned them out of their money, who set up “Deeds of Indemnity” to hide behind, who gave Karen Teshiera all her money back, and who took the money the PNM gave them and ran.
No, they are going to “vote out” the new, villainous government. They want court. Listen Kamla, and Winston, let them go to court, let the matter become sub judice’ and move on to deal with what can be dealt with.
Like the OPV’s, and desperate Rowley’s statement that without the OPV’s “Trinidad will be become the arms and drug capital of the region”.
Will become? We all know we are there already. I never understood why we “needed” these large ocean-going vessels.
Most, if not all of the drugs and arms which come in here apparently come in via little boats, which land in hidden coves and river mouths. And they do not come across the open ocean, but from nearby Venezuela.
Do we really need ships so sophisticated that the supplier cannot even build them? Methinks the ongoing protests over the termination (for good cause!) of the contract may be more related to the fact that“commissions” have not been paid yet? What do you think?

Read related: Column: Are we there yet?
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