Friday, October 29, 2010

Column: Are we there yet?

If you have ever taken a road trip with children you would have experienced the anxiety during the journey. "Are we there yet?" is the common refrain.

And that seems to be what is happening with people watching the new Kamla People's Partnership government in Trinidad and Tobago. 

It's only been five months and a few days yet if you listen to people you would think that the government has been there for an eternity and nothing has happened.

In fact this government has achieved more in this short period than any government in Trinidad and Tobago. And it has been working with just the financial crumbs left by Patrick Manning and the PNM after their orgy of spending and waste.

Still every time there is a negative report, the emails start flying around, the phone calls are fast and furious: "O Gawd, we in trouble! The government go mash up!"

Since May 24 I have been inundated with such calls and emails from party faithful who all seem to feel that the sky is falling in.

The end was near when Kamla asked for a review of the airport contracts; the government was "mashing up" when politicians in COP were trying to score points during an internal election; it was all over when the PSA called for mass protests; all hell is breaking loose because of the CL bacchanal.

Look around folks. The sky is not falling in. Yes, some media reports would like you to believe that. The PNM's misinformation and political propaganda is aimed to making you believe it. And people's own selfish needs are adding fuel to all the rumours flying around. Don't get sucked in with Chicken Lickin' and fall prey to Foxy Loxy.  

I have been telling everyone who would listen that the PP government is NOT in trouble despite the propaganda that says so. Things are happening; the government is at work. 

It took God a full seven days to create our world. Don't expect Kamla and her team to undo all the wrongs and fix every problem in less than six months! We gave them five years, so we need to have some patience.

Haven't we experienced enough government mistakes in Trinidad and Tobago in recent memory?

The real anxiety from among supporters and many opportunists who have emerged like woodlice from the political woodwork is Kamla's delay in completing the appointment of boards and making diplomatic appointments.

There is every reason for the Prime Minister to be cautious and to check and double check everything.

In the old days a party card was the essential credential to get on a state board. It didn't matter if you had the competence to serve or whether you understood what the company did. And some of the people demanding board appointments today still fall in that category.

What Kamla is doing right is making sure of a few things:
  • No person is going to serve on more than one board
  • Everyone appointed to a board would have the right credentials
  • Everyone will have o go through a background check
  • Party connection is not a passport to favours
You will likely say if you look at some of appointments already made she has broken some of those rules. However I would argue to make such a determination you have be understand all the relevant issues and know all the players. In such circumstances I would give the lady the benefit of the doubt.

There is grumbling as well about foreign postings. Obviously she has determined that running things at home takes precedence over the overseas missions and foreign policy. She and her Foreign Minister appear to be in full control so waiting a little while longer to find the right persons to serve cannot be a mistake.

One of our greatest faults as a nation is that each of us seems to be an expert in everything. We know how to run a political party, we know how to run a government, we know how to run state boards, everyone can be a diplomat.

I am sorry folks, it doesn't work that way. I know that our recent past has not provided good reason for trusting politicians and it will take some time to make the adjustment.

Kamla et al promised change. Change takes time. We are not there yet! The journey is just beginning. Have patience. And take time to enjoy it and to be part of the change. 

Jai Parasram | Toronto, October 30, 2010

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai