Monday, November 1, 2010

Jack urges Rowley to take "a vow of silence" instead of denouncing PM Kamla

Jack Warner on Sunday slammed Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley for Rowley's condemnation of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Biessessar’s decision to shut down the country last Friday because of threats posed by an impending storm.

In a media release, the Works and Transport Minister said Rowley's attack for a decision made by the Prime Minister while the country was "under the threat of “Terrible Tomas” is a clear indication that he is unfit for any type of leadership position in this country".

Warner added, "Rather than commend the Honourable Prime Minister for acting decisively to protect our citizens should the threat become a reality, Dr. Rowley chooses the path of cheap politics and condemns the Prime Minister for caring."

He asked, "What did he expect her to do?" and wondered whether the PNM leader expected Persad-Bissessar "to wait until the storm clouds burst and the flood waters begin to rise before taking a decision to guarantee the safety of her people." He wondered if that is how "this PNM leader would have acted."

Rowley called the Prime Minister's decision to close businesses, schools and offices on Friday an overreaction that created chaos again.

“And I hope that every time it looks like it’s going to rain we are not going to shut this country down,” he said Saturday in an address to a PNM seminar. He claimed that the new People's Partnership is playing politics although the country has seen the "best weather" in five years.

Rowley said the shutdown, which caused national panic, was a result of lack of proper governance. “Because you have a woman in charge does not guarantee you good governance...This is a small expression of how things can go wrong with far-reaching consequences when the motives are not right.”

Warner disagreed with Rowley and stated, "Today, I am extremely proud of my Prime Minister, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar."

He noted the problems that people are facing. "Manzanilla is under water. Some residents in Manzanilla are currently marooned as a result of the heavy rainfall they experienced due to “Terrible Tomas.”

"In Toco, a bridge has collapsed. In Mayaro and Guayaguayare, roads have become impassable. In Tobago especially in Moriah, Castara, Goodwood and Roxborough, heavy rainfall has inflicted tremendous damage. There has been no electricity on most of the island all of last night.

"But where is Rowley in all of this? Not a word of sympathy, not a message showing empathy. It is better Dr. Rowley had remained silent and be thought foolish than opened his mouth and remove all doubt," Warner said

He added that from Rowley’s analysis of the entire situation it is evident that he lacks the foresight and vision to lead the PNM and God forbid this country. 

"Somebody save us from Dr Keith Rowley. What manner of man is this!" Warner declared.

"And for the record sake and to correct Dr. Rowley’s gender insensitivity and his sexist ideology, I prefer to be governed by a woman who will be proactive when the nation is threatened than to be governed by a man whose reaction to situations can leave us all in peril.

"It is better Dr. Rowley had followed his former leader’s position, take a vow of silence and keep his mouth shut," the minister said.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai