Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter: Stand by Jack; he's worth it

There can be no denial for a fair-minded person that Jack Warner is a hard worker.

Once the People's Partnership came into power, he hit the ground running with the sink hole in Caparo as well as on the highway, with the floods in Central, with the Aranguez Exchange, the Bus Route, the Licensing Office and now with the lighting at the airport.

In an effort to get the job done there may be slip-ups in procedure like the airport lighting affair.

The furore surrounding this issue keeps escalating. Why? Is it because of the violation of some procedure? If so, shouldn't it be most welcome because the issue of transparency is alive and well?

Is it an opportunity for the Opposition to put Jack on the spot, or for those in his party who feel somewhat diminished by his overwhelming presence and by the fact that he, above all others, seems to have the PM's ear, to get the better of him?

Kamla should ensure that Jack is protected as his proven iconic stature with the grassroots fuelled her credibility as a viable alternative in the last election. She needs him again to neutralise growing anti-government sentiment, to make the people continue to believe that this Government is for them.

By all means rein him in when his enthusiasm to serve gets the better of him, but Jack is the goose that laid the golden egg for her and the UNC.

Kamla must never be drawn in by the petty jealousies of men, as Jack stood uncompromisingly by her side, whatever the cost.

Dr Errol Benjamin | via e-mail

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai