He welcomed UNC founding member Kelvin Ramnath who returned to the political platform for the first time since his break with the party's leadership before the May 24 general election.
He said it is a sign that "we are closing ranks" and promised that "we will never fail you."
The UNC chairman said the postponement of the LGE since 2003 with "spurious claims of local government reform" was a deliberate tactic of the People’s National Movement (PNM) to deny citizens the right to elect their leaders.
The acting PM said the PNM used its parliamentary majority to force persons "upon you who possessed neither the will nor the imagination to develop our communities in a way that would instill pride in you the citizens." He added the People’s Partnership could no longer continue the denial of that right.
"Democracy must always be of the people, by the people and for the people and to delay your right to vote would not have only been wicked but immoral," he said.
"You must never forget the wickedness and spite of the PNM and how they tried to usurp your right to choose your own local government leaders.
This is why, we need to go back to the armoury, take out our weapons and when Rowley and the PNM B-Team comes around with lies to steal your vote “Do So” and tell Rowley like Patrick Manning, he too must go," Warner declared.
He spelled out reasons why voters must reject the PNM:
- The PNM lacks Integrity
- The PNM lacks consistency
- The People's Partnership is different
"Beware my people, for every single time they denied you your vote “Do So” four times and tell them go. This is the time for your voice to be heard; when they come for your vote, you tell them no," Warner advised supporters.
He noted that Rowley was a sitting Member of Parliament and Senior Government Minister in the PNM when over 160 promises were made by them and he never called on his government any day to deliver on one.
"That is hypocrisy," he said. "Rowley’s last stint in government from 2003 – 2010 lasted for 2556 days and during this period he never called on the PNM to deliver on the 160 promises they made....
"Where are the Two Renal Dialysis Centres which ought to have been erected Keithos, where are they and could you tell us when you publicly asked Patrick to deliver these?" Warner asked.
He said the party also promised 150 new Early Childhood Care and Education Centres (ECCE); and preparatory works for another 150 Centres and said it would refurbish existing Early Childhood Care and Education centres (ECCE) centres.
He outlined many other promises that were never kept and demanded that Rowley explain why he never asked his party to deliver. "Could you tell me whether these promises were kept Keithos?"
He said aspiring leaders ought to be consistent and noted that Rowley lacks both integrity and consistency.
"That is why unashamedly I can call upon Tunapuna one more time to “Do So” when the PNM comes around and say no to Rowley and the PNM B Team and without fear or favour let Keith Rowley go."
Warner noted that by contrast to the PNM's 160 broken promises after "more than 2556 days in office" the new People's Partnership government "is shining" after just 49 days in office.
"Local Government Elections in 49 days, Children’s Neediest Fund established in 49 days, The oppressive Property Tax my people is no longer a threat to the citizens of this country after 49 days in office, A Ministry of the People was promised; in 49 days the Partnership delivered," he said, adding that children will get the laptop computers as promised.
He reminded his audience of the lockout of the People's Partnership from a public square during the campaign for the May 24 general election, which happened under the PNM leadership in the Tunapuna Regional Corporation.
"Let's now lock them out of the Tunapuna/Piarco Regional Corporation. Vote them out, for this must never happen again," he said.
Returning to the non-performance of the PNM Warner said the PNM did "nothing for you" after seven years in office "during which time they spent more than 300 billion dollars". They have to account for the money, Warner stated.
He also promised to expose deals involving the PNM campaign chairman and former PNM cabinet minister, John Rahael.
Warner charged that instead of supporting and funding local corporations the PNM set up over 15 special purpose companies to undermine the local regional authorities.
"So money that should have been spent to fix T&T and communities in Tunapuna was placed in Calder Hart's hands and you tell me is them people you want to vote for?
"If therefore they offered you no help when they were in power, what sense it makes voting for them since they cannot make any promises, which they can keep for no longer are they in Central Government?" he asked. "Don’t waste your vote," he advised.
"Vote for the People’s Partnership. We can help and we will help. Tell Keith Rowley to go. "The People’ Partnership believes that nepotism, cronyism, racism or discrimination must go, and we owe it to each other to root it out.
"We believe that no one should benefit based on the color of one's skin, sex or heritage does not make someone a better leader," he said noting that "achievement, which is neither limited to, or determined by, one's race or politics, but by one's skills, dedication, commitment and character" is what matters.
He also spoke about a few dissidents who are making "chuchur" and trying to split the vote. He said "when you see them, call them PNM because that is the biggest insult you can give anyone."
Warner said people are starting to smile and feel good about themselves and the country.
He said "we must replace the arrogance of the PNM with humility" and warned that Keith Rowley is "10 times worse" than Patrick Manning.
"When I say vote for the People’s Partnership, it is because I am angry that these simple things were denied you and what is worse is that the people who voted to deny you your right to change non performers are now coming back to you for your vote." Warner stated.
"If you want change, vote them out," Warner said. He said the election on July 26 will send a message that the PNM is about to become politically extinct. He urged everyone to vote for progress and "let us build a nation together".
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