Friday, May 7, 2010

Robinson endorses Kamla, tells her never quit

Former President of Trinidad and Tobago Arthur N.R. Robinson on Thursday endorsed opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and told her, "Kamla do not quit".

The leader of the United National Congress (UNC) made the announcement at a political meeting in Couva Thursday night.

Earlier in the day she and Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) leader Ashworth Jack had a two-hour luncheon meeting with Robinson, who told Persad-Bissessar he approves of the work she is doing to unite the nation.

Robinson's endorsement is important for the Tobago constituencies.

He has always been one of the island's most influential politicians. When he broke with the PNM he formed the Democractic Action Congress (DAC) and in the 1976 election he and his DAC colleague Dr Winston Murray defeated PNM cabinet ministers Basil Pitt and Wilbert Winchester.

The TOP hopes to repeat history and and win the two Tobago seats that were held by the PNM in the last Parliament.

The party would welcome Robinson's endorsement of Persad-Bissessar who is leading an opposition coalition that includes TOP.

Speaking about the encounter with Robinson, Persad-Bissessar said the former prime minister (who later became president) told her repeatedly: "Do not quit, Do not ever quit."

She told the media she felt "peace, love and warmth" in Robinson's presence. "It was absolutely like a watershed of comfort which I think is important in this time in the campaign, and gives ...inspiration to move forward."

She said she and Robinson discussed possible improvements to the Tobago House of Assembly Act.

Robinson and Persad-Bissessar were party colleagues. She and Jack had campaigned for Robinson's National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR) in the 1991 general election.

She ran unsuccessfully as the Siparia candidate. The candidate for the infant UNC defeated her.

Persad-Bissessar later joined the UNC on the invitation of former party leader Basdeo Panday and later won the Siparia seat for the party.

As Attorney General following the 18-18 tie in the 2001 general election, she had advised Robinson that he should offer Panday the first opportunity to form a government.

She argued that Robinson should take several factors into account including Panday's incumbency and the fact that the election result showed that the UNC had the higher percentage of the popular vote.

In the end Robinson fired Panday and appointed Patrick Manning as prime minister justifying his action on the premise that the country needed a government of "spirituality and morality".

The Trinidad Express reported Friday that Robinson said "Anytime would be a good time" for a female Prime Minister in Trinidad and Tobago.

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...


This is a mutual "you scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Persad Bissessar does not enjoy the endorsement of Basdeo Panday the father of the UNC; this fact coupled with the fact of apathy amongst many UNC supporters Robinson has sensed and has pounced upon her no doubt to seek Tobago's interest. After all that is why Ashworth Jack was present. It is about Tobago. As I wrote earlier, in coalitions power lies in the hands of minorities. His endorsement of her does not carry any weight since she does not come from his constituency; even though she may have been a member of his party. After all she lost the 1991 elections for the NAR to the UNC.

1991 Siparia Votes


After her defeat Panday invited her to become an Opposition Senator. nuff said.. for now. Kamla doh have power.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai