Friday, May 7, 2010

Rowley: "If I show loyalty it is to the party and country."

Dr Keith Rowley on Thursday night called on critics of Patrick Manning to "stop demonising my Prime Minister".

But he also defended his position in taking Manning to task, noting that as a PNM backbencher he was raising issues of concern.

Rowley put aside his difference with his leader and said as a member of a ship engaged in battle he must fight to win. Now is not the time to mutiny against the captain and throw him overboard, he said.

"I am a sailor in the PNM ship. I know what my duty is. The battle cry is ‘don’t give up the ship. It is not time for dry dock or the dockyard.' It is not the time for court-martial," he said.

Rowley told the large audience in Diego martin he would not compromise his principles just to win an election. "I am not playing games. If I show loyalty, it is to the party and the country."

He acknowledged disagreements but said that is OK. "We can disagree. For me, that is strength as long as we disagree respectfully," he added.

He said a scandal like UDeCOTT should never be allowed to happen again in Trinidad and Tobago.

It was Rowley's first public statement on a political platform for the May 24 general election. While he spoke in support of Manning, the messages on billboards, banners and from other speakers was clearly in support of Rowley.

"All the man we need, Rowley, integrity, loyalty, strength" read one billboard.

The former cabinet minister also attacked opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar did not do anything about alleged corruption with respect to the construction of the Piarco Airport terminal building.

He noted that he was kicked out of Parliament for two months for refusing to withdraw the allegation.

He urged citizens to give the PNM another mandate to continue its programs.

Speaking on behalf of his colleague, former PNM MP and cabinet minister Fitzgerald Hinds indirectly slammed Manning for attacks on Rowley.

"I have never seen a raging bull, I have not seen a man of hate, I have not seen a man of disrespect. What I saw was a man who single-handedly pulled down the UNC...He took on UDeCOTT and its chairman. He took on all comers. He was fearless," Hinds said.

Former Attorney General Bridgid Annisette-George said Rowley had been "tried and tested" and had served his constituents well.

Related column:
Column: The Rowley factor is a PNM albatross

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