Friday, May 14, 2010

Manning courting Indian vote; Kamla wants PNM vote

Patrick Manning is predicting a major shift towards the People's National Movement from members of the East Indian community and is inviting them to join the PNM.

The PNM leader told supporters at a meeting in Fyzabad he is very optimistic about the May 24 general election and said he is seeing "more and more people, including Indo-Trinidadians" supporting his party.

"And many of them are doing it and not saying anything because of the nature of things in Trinidad and Tobago. More and more people are moving to the PNM.

"So to my East Indian brothers and sisters, to all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, particularly my East Indian brothers and sisters, who may not have supported the PNM in the past, to you I say let us move forward together. Come and join PNM, come and vote PNM," he said.

UNC Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is also appealing votes from the compeitition.

She spoke directly to PNM supporters Thursday night in Chaguanas, but her appeal was not to race, but to citizens who make make a difference.

"To my PNM brothers and sisters, who know we can do better, who know in their hearts that the PNM, in its present form and under the leadership of Manning, cannot take Trinidad and Tobago into the 21st century," she said.

"Let’s work together to make our country the home we want, the home our children need...So join us where your ideas will count," she added.

1 comment:

meadysmusings said...

You forget to mention that he also all of a sudden knows Hindi and the few words he spoke were pronounced correctly after the whole roti debacle where he behaved like if roti was something alien that only he (the only Afro Trini) was exposed to once upon a time when he used to eat it 5 times a week!

He said at this meeting- 'aao chalay' i.e. come let's go!

Check out my cartoon to see how I think the phrase should really be used!!/photo.php?pid=5824459&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=118631961497691&aid=-1&id=703984417

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai