Friday, May 14, 2010

Jack sends apology to UK PM for Manning's "diplomatic blunder"

Jack Warner said on Thursday night that Prime Minister Patrick Manning made a diplomatic blunder and embarrassed the people of Trinidad and Tobago by predicting that the new British Government would fall within a year.

Manning made the statement Wednesday might in a political meeting to show that coalitions do not work.

Read the story: Manning predicts UK coalition will fail

"When our Prime Minister insults the government of the United Kingdom, as he did last night, he is also insulting the people of the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago is also interfering in the internal politics of the United Kingdom," he said.

The UNC Chairman said the faux pas is worse because Manning is chairman of CHOGM, The Commonwealth heads of Government. And he suggested that the Trinidad and Tobago foreign minister should send a formal apology to the British government.

Warner said he has already done that and read a letter he disatched to 10 Downing Street.

Here's the letter to Prime Minister Cavid Cameron in Warner's capacity as FIFA vice president:

“Dear Honourable Prime Minister,

“Your exemplary and expeditious determination of the Constitutional crisis that threatened the United Kingdom when the General Election produced a “Hung Parliament” has won universal acclaim.

“Coming so shortly after President Obama’s election, your success at the polls is truly inspiring to all peoples who embrace the need for social change and for new politics.

“On behalf of the people of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and on behalf of the global soccer fraternity, it is my duty and my honour to extend heartfelt salutations to you, and to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, on the formation of the United Kingdom’s inclusive coalition government.

“On behalf of the people of Trinidad and Tobago, it is also my duty to extend apologies to you, Prime Minister Cameron; to Deputy Prime Minister Clegg, and to the people of the United Kingdom, for a very regrettable public statement the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago made at an election campaign meeting last night Wednesday).

“The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago surprisingly prophesied that the governing coalition in the UK is doomed to fail and will collapse within one year, resulting in a return to the polls.

“It is to be noted that the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, who is the current Chairman of the Commonwealth Heads of Government, is facing defeat in the general elections in this country on May, 24; at the hands of a coalition of political parties and other people’s organisations.

“Outside of my capacity as Vice President of FIFA, I am Chairman the United National Congress, the principal group in the People’s Partnership, the coalition referenced above; I am also a candidate seeking re-election.

“You would readily understand, Excellency, how heartened The People’s Partnership is at your election success and at your swift establishment of the Conservatives/Lib Dems governing coalition.

“With assurances of our highest considerations and esteem.

Jack Warner”

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Jai & Sero

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