Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Penny sticking with the PNM, will continue to serve

Pennelope Beckles will not be running as a candidate for the People's National Movement (PNM) in the May 24 general election but the former deputy speaker and MP for Arima has pledged to continue serving the people.

The PNM's screening committee rejected Beckles, 49, as the Arima candidate despite strong support from the constituency executive. Former Senator Laurel Lezama will replace Bekcles in Arima. Lezama, 26, is the daughter-in-law of media boss and PNM supporter, Louis Lee Sing.

There are reports that the Congress of the People (COP) is courting Beckles to run as an opposition candidate in the seat that she held for the PNM in the 9th parliament.

While some party members are upset about imposing Lezama on Arima, the secretary of the Arima constituency executive doesn't think Beckles is going to make the switch.

The Trinidad Guardian quoted Bobby Charles as saying, "I don’t think she would be crossing no floor to join the Opposition—her reputation will be tarnished if she jumps ship and she knows it."

The PNM is trying to mend fences in Arima to hold on to the seat, but reports suggest that half of the executive is refusing to support the candidate and participate in walkabouts on behalf of Lezama. Beckles is coordinator for Arima and believes that hard work will return the seat to the PNM.

PNM leader Patrick Manning had offered Beckles a diplomatic post for her to step aside as the nominee for Arima but she refused it.

Manning told the media she refused to offer for personal and family reasons. "Mrs Beckles told me there were some domestic circumstances that preclude her from being able to accept the offer at this time, which is very different from refusing the offer," Manning told reporters.

However Beckles contradicted Manning and stated that the refusal had nothing to do with domestic circumstances.

But on Tuesday she had a further explanation for the media. The Trinidad Express quoted Beckles as saying, "I am married now...ideally, I would like to remain in Trinidad and Tobago."

Beckles told the paper no one told her that her decision to congratulate Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar for winning the leadership of the UNC hurt her chances of being selected as the candidate.

She said the issue that Manning raised during the screening was the age of the candidate. He wanted a youth to represent Arima. Beckles is 23 years older than Lezama.

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

The explanation given here is that Ms Lezama was Chairman of the Youth Arm of the Arima Constituency and eventually Chairman of the PNM's Youth League.

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