Wednesday, April 21, 2010

United opposition launches common platform Wednesday

The opposition launches its joint platform Wednesday night at the historic Charlie King Junction in Fyzabad, with speeches by Congress of the People (COP) leader Winston Dookeran and United National Congress (UNC) leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar that supporters hope will map out the campaign for the May 24 general election.

During her campaign for the leadership of her party Persad-Bissessar promised to "extend my loving arms" around Trinidad and Tobago and embrace everyone to create a united opposition.

On Wednesday night she will deliver on her promise, which she has described as the best birthday present she has ever had. (The UNC leader tyurns 58 on Thursday).

All the leaders of the alliance are expected to share the platform at a venue that is the birthplace of the labour movement in Trinidad and Tobago.

Labour leaders Errol McLeod and David Abdullah will join the political leaders of the UNC and COP; TOP leader Ashworth Jack and NJAC's Makandal Daaga will also be on the platform.

The unity deal outlines a set of principles on which the various parties will contest the election, including a code of ethics.

Related story:
COP/UNC accord commits parties to integrity
Related story: COP, UNC accord commits parties to integrity, code of moral conduct

The plan is also to have a joint manifesto and to hold common meetings.Under the seat sharing arrangement the UNC will contest 24 seats, TOP will run candidates in the two Tobago constituencies and the rest of the seats will be shared among COP, the Movement for Social Justice and NJAC.

"I think we’ll have a great meeting at Charlie King Junction, very historic venue, very historic day I know we’ll have a huge turnout," Persad-Bissessar told reporters Tuesday.

UNC chairman Jack Warner told the Trinidad Express the meeting is historic because it would "put to shame" Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s statement that coalition governments are destined to fail.
Warner took Manning to task on that issue at a meeting in central Trinidad Monday night.

Read the story:
Warner calls Manning a liar, gives PM a history lesson on coalitions

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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