Saturday, April 3, 2010

Letter: What is COP's agenda?

What is the COP's real agenda as they prepare for unity talks with the UNC?

This question is very confusing since we are now seeing a masquerade of indecent emails and media releases from the party and its members, literally tring to usurp the authority of the UNC, its leader and the new currency that Kamla Persad-Bissessar and her new leadership has been given.

I am shocked at the new suggestion that Winston Dookeran should lead a new UNC/COP alliance.

Apart from running a parallel organization WHILE HE WAS STILL THE POLITICAL LEADER OF THE UNC (and was anointed by Panday whereas Kamla was elected by a wide majority as the Party's Political Leader), the COP has not had a properly constituted election to-date.

Even more troubling is an email from one Indira Sawh "that the COP has the requisite intellectual capacity that the country desperately needs to restore good government and social and economic security".

This is and continues to be the attitude of the COP! It is an insulting and condescending statement to the thousands of members and supporters as well as the leadership of the UNC.

Further, the remaining members of the COP, who continue to be anti-UNC want a "free ride" on the same UNC to Government.

Dookeran has already signaled his intention to form an accommodation, but in his absence, the very people who are definitely "unelectable" want to dictate to the UNC on it's (COP) terms.

Are we going to see people like Ganga Singh, Roy Augustus, Manohar Ramsaran and Sadiq Baksh as possible COP candidates in the accommodation?

The UNC has moved along with the wishes of its members; is the COP doing the same?

Ancil Balfour - via email.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai