Saturday, April 3, 2010

No room for compromise - the Anand Ramlogan column

Manning had declared that general elections will be held in 2010.

I am skeptical and wary because he is not to be trusted, but clasp my hands and give quiet thanks for what must be divine intervention.

I don't want to get my hopes up. I think it is a not-so-clever strategy to divert attention from the UDeCOTT and Calder Hart corruption crisis. The government has been buckling beneath the weight of public opinion and pressure. Was this the straw that broke the camel's back?

Manning's public defence of Calder Hart culminated in that unforgettable front page photo with him toasting to Calder Hart with President Max Richards in the middle of the Uff Commission when things were really heating up and people's heart started racing.

Manning is so arrogant though that he might not realize the extent of the adverse impact of his unpopular measures and economic mismanagement.

Tactically, he might think it wise to let the election guillotine fall now, while the unification process is still in its embryonic stage rather than risk the birth of a fortified and strengthened challenger.

His announcement has certainly taken Calder Hart and the Uff report off the front page.

Either way, the opposition forces cannot treat this as empty rhetoric. They should instead treat this as an ultimatum. It must act as a catalyst for unity.

The frustration over the pace of the unity effort is bound to intensify. People sense that the PNM is against the ropes.

If Manning wins the next general elections, the PNM will be in power for a very, very long time. There is, therefore, the need for speed and sense, vision and decision.

The COP support base has shrunk, but there is a genuine 'third' constituency that the UNC must attract.

This constituency found political expression in the ONR, NAR and COP. Although it has never won a seat, it is not irrelevant to the first past the post system because it can split the votes and guarantee victory for the PNM.

That said, history has shown that it disintegrates and fizzles out with time because a party simply cannot survive in the first past the post Westminster system of parliamentary democracy unless it actually has a seat(s) in parliament. There is no consolation prize in our political race.

The COP, will therefore follow the fate of it predecessors and should see this as a golden opportunity to get a foot in the door and ensure its survival as a political entity.

People will scrutinize and analyse the COP's proposals. A naked grab for disproportionate political power sugar coated and disguised as an attempt as unity will be exposed and rejected.

A mature and sensible approach is required that is rooted in the political reality and future that we all seek. It must be equitable and proportionate, fair and just.
The unity must also be practical.

The PNM is a strong and mighty political party with an entrenched base. The present discontent and malaise may not necessarily translate into votes against it. A strong, united single party is the best option.

There is no room for a third part in our present political structure. If the COP joins the UNC, it will not just be a matter of simple re-branding. It will enhance the human resources and intellectual capital available to Kamla to engage in the transformation that she is about.

Other options present difficulties.

Coalitions are not trusted by the people and have proven problematic in many countries. The internal tussle and competition has a destabilizing effect on the government.

The ground is fertile and receptive for change and history will not judge our leaders kindly if ego and personal ambition conspire to snatch defeat from the jaws of political victory.

As I've said before, Winston is an honourable man. If I didn't feel this way, I would never have rejected Panday and accepted him as my political leader. I entered the battlefield as his lieutenant and we scored a Pyrrhic victory.

If I have said anything to offend or hurt him, I apologise. That was never my intention.

This is a great moment in our and his political history. In times of crisis, great men see it as an opportunity for change. Winston can be the statesman and can rise to the occasion.

Country must come before party and self. His political philosophy and vision will strengthen the pillars of Kamla's victory for the people. Behind every successful woman, there must be a great man. Patience and time is running out. Anand's column is reproduced from the website: FREEDOM CHAMBERS

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

This article may have been written before the Voice of the People Rally. Anand is touted as a candidate and is thus emboldened. Hope he does not become one with the same history as Suruj Rambachan, who lost two elections in Oropouche. The Voice of the People Rally confirmed in people's minds that many people are confused as they have not come to accept the new gods. That they are not happy with the triple headed hydra of leadership.Many are adopting a wait and see attitude. Kamla has not yet been interrogated/interviewed by the media. Everything thus far has been controlled; designed to manage her political acumen rather than allow her to come to podium without support.
After a traumatic elections in the party, people need time to adjust before they can accept far less choose. We can end up in chaos. Take note and do not get carried away.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai