Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Letter: Top PNM member says Manning committing political suicide

As an inactive member of the PNM, I must publicly express my concern about the selection of candidates for the upcoming general election.

On April 13, our political leader and Prime Minister, Patrick Manning, expressed the view in an interview on the electronic media that he was "quite surprised at the quality of nominees who submitted themselves for screening."

Now again as an inactive party member without any knowledge of the list of nominees referred to by our political leader, I take no comfort in this statement for the following reasons:

1. The unsatisfactory and uninspiring presentation of the speakers at last week Monday night’s meeting at the Hi-Lo Car Park, St Augustine. The absence of Dr Keith Rowley, Camille Robinson-Regis etc was very conspicuous.

To put it mildly, our platform, in spite of the large turnout, was very weak. It was not the political battle cry required for the inspiration of our troops in what is going to be a very bruising battle.

2. It is inconceivable for any elementary political analyst to understand the quality referred to by our political leader when the leadership has deliberately attempted to exclude two of the most attractive and respected personalities, the two elected members of our Parliament—Rowley and Pennelope Beckles from the party’s slate (Rowley has since been selected to contest the Diego Martin West seat but Beckles has not won nomination as the Arima candidate). In my view this is not only politically insensitive but politically suicidal.

3. The inexperience of our recent recruits from the 2007 general election has considerably reduced the quality of our performance in both Houses of Parliament and left us almost totally dependent on our political leader and the Member of Diego Martin East.

After all, our party was founded and built on the highest standards of academic quality and experienced debating skills.

The likes of Dr Eric Williams, Dr Patrick Solomon, Dr Winston “Silver Tongue” Mahabir, all Island Scholarship winners; ANR, Robinson, Gerard Montano, Sir Learie Constantine, Karl Hudson-Phillips, dynamic politicians and powerful, effective platform speakers; the likes of Kamaluddin Mohammed, Saied Mohammed, Charles Sadaphal, Errol Mahabir, Overand R Padmore, Dennis Mahabir and several other personalities who knew how to deliver the punches and accurately hit their political targets.

As a student of the grandmaster Williams, it is very difficult for me to understand the current behaviour of our political leader and the party leadership, whose actions, in my considered opinion, is destabilising the party and, whether they care to believe it or not, considerably reduce our chances of retaining the government.

Make no mistake about it, we have a fight on our hands and we need all hands on deck. Why is the leadership making more and more enemies within the party?

Your guess is as good as mine. I have been around long enough to spot political suicide when I see it. I warned you in 1995.

Remember that the vilification of George Chambers in 1986 not only cost him the government but also his seat. I am telling you.

Ferdie Ferriera
| Diego Martin

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai