Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Letter: Call to conscience

The PNM is campaigning for survival and a renewed mandate to rape and pillage the country’s human and natural resources with an utter disregard for the welfare of the country.

While PNM Brass are demanding an apology to Rowley for Manning’s injustices, not a single one seems concerned with the injustices which the nation has suffered at the hands of the PNM under Manning.

The loyalty to Party that consumes the membership emanates from its highest levels.

It is difficult to muster sympathy for luminaries such as Penelope Beckles and Keith Rowley who have stifled their consciences and held their noses while the country has been mismanaged with impunity and its resources squandered.

What has kept these people from speaking out against the calumnies which the nation has endured? Fear? Insensitivity? Unconcern? Complicity? Duplicity? Rowley spoke but remained steadfast in loyalty.

What has inspired their loyalty to a megalomaniac leader whose hubris has outstripped his sanity?

Like those whose consciences forced the PNM into temporary exile in 1986, when the historical imperative was to remove the PNM, the people must now once again put nation before party and vote the incumbent out.

Manning has served more terms than the democratic norm. He is undeserving of further indulgences. The nation can take no more.

Citizens of the Nation! It is now time to say ENOUGH! Manning will not retire honourably. He be must rejected definitively.

M.F. Rahman via email

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai