Monday, April 19, 2010

Letter: Stop PNM abuse of public funds

I am calling upon all institutions and citizens of Trinidad and Tobago to rise up and object to a massive abuse of public funds for partisan political purposes.

I am speaking of the current media blitz, including a pathetically produced “Soap Opera”, extolling (in many cases wrongly) the services and so-called achievements of the government.

I believe that the clear campaign tone of this whole blitz is designed and presented as a promotion for the PNM in this election season.

I believe that it is actionable in court and I am calling upon the forces of decency—if such forces still exist—to sue to have the campaign stopped, or to give taxpayer-funded ads equal time for the opposition’s benefit.

This is nothing short of a disgrace, and the advertising industry and the media—and the pathetic actors—are raking in money while propagandizing something in which they do not believe and do not support.

You all should join me in my call for equal “opposition time and space”, then at least you will double your money.

To the media—you cannot be so critical of Manning and his government on your editorial pages, and be marketing Manning and the “achievements” of the government on every third page.

Have you no shame? (sorry—do not answer!).

For all of business—does that promised tax reduction really silence you on this? Where will the resultant revenue shortfall be made back? Errol Fabien? Is that really you? What were you trying to show?

That you could act a part which you deeply hated? Well, you failed badly—terrible performances—and you know this, so no need to respond.

But again—Let us stop this propaganda abuse. Opposition, go to court—this is too blatant for Justice not to prevail. Stop it now!

Peter O’Connor - via email.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai