Tuesday, April 20, 2010

PNM ignores constituents, tosses out Roberts

The People's National Movement (PNM) has rejected another candidate who was favoured by constituents.

The party's screening committee decided Monday that its candidate for St. Ann's East will be Joanne Thomas, who is a human resource manager. She will replace Anthony Roberts.

When the committee screened Roberts recently it asked the constituency to suggest another candidate.

But supporters of Roberts insisted that he must get the nod, staging noisy protests outside Balisier House. "No Roberts, no vote" they proclaimed.

Party leader Patrick manning dismissed the protests and suggested that those were were demonstrating did not represent the views of the entire electorate.

he St Ann’s East constituency executive presented three nominees Monday.

One official explained that the constituency had been hoping to get the committee to change its mind about Roberts, who was described as a very competent MP. But in the end it had to follow the rules.

"We decided we have to do that which we must do as PNM people, and we came up with candidates that we screened," Chrysanta Joseph, the chairman for St Ann’s East, told the Trinidad Express.

Manning told reporters the PNM constitution calls for the political leader to make recommendations to the party's Central Executive, which will then determine who will be the candidates.

Roberts ended up in Manning's "dog house" for supporting former cabinet minister Keith Rowley. The party has decided to allow Rowley to run.

Read related story:
Letter: Top PNM member says Manning committing political suicide

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Jai & Sero

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