Thursday, April 8, 2010

Letter: Let's hear about UNC policies to govern T&T

I am proud that Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bisessar is the Opposition Leader of Trinidad and Tobago.

The changes in the leadership and direction of the Opposition have highlighted the growing discontent among the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago with governance among the UNC and the country at large.

The UNC and the COP however, appear to solely be focusing on ousting the current Prime Minister and the PNM from governing the country.

Issues like crime, access to basic services such as water and electricity, failing health care, massive government spending, widespread corruption at all levels, social injustice etc. are highlighted by Mrs. Persad-Bisessar as driving forces for removing the current regime.

What the Opposition forces lack are sound proposals for dealing with these issues.

There are yet no proposed policies on economic development for this country, infrastructure, environmental management etc.

Why should I continue to support the UNC in their zeal to remove the PNM if they have not as yet developed any policies, proposals etc. for dealing with the current and emerging issues facing the country?

How will the UNC successfully govern my country without a plan to tackle the issues they have highlighted?

Furthermore, all Governments past and present have neglected a critical issue which is important for the successful economic and social development of any country. Proper management of the environment and natural resources of this country has been disregarded for decades.

The need for sound environmental management practices, policies and legislation that is enforced and adhered to is required for Trinidad and Tobago to ever attain a developed country status.

Water shortages, flooding, food shortages, increased spread of communicable diseases, poor air quality, poor water quality, land degradation, loss of soil fertility, loss of biodiversity – the list is exhaustive but these effects being felt by the citizens due to national plans, strategies, policies and legislation on environmental issues.

I urge Mrs. Persad-Bisessar and the UNC to seriously consider and include the environment as a issue of utmost importance to be addressed actively in the road to the next General Elections and during their future reign as the ruling party of Trinidad and Tobago.

Gaitri - via email

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai