Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fyzabad making history again: Mc Leod

Errol Mc Leod fought his first political battle in 1976 and went into Parliament as the member for Oropouche.

On Wednesday he returned to the political battlefield in Fyzabad as a member of a united opposition that will fight the People's national Movement (PNM) on May 24 in the general election in Trinidad and Tobago.

"Tonight Fyzabad is making history again," he declared. He said the job was not completed in 1937 and now is the time to do it.

"Patrick Manning and his minions would try to set the agenda of issues that must be debated in this campaign. They don't want the real issues to be on the agenda. We must not talk about Calder Hart and the corruption...We will demand that UDeCOTT and Calder Hart must return all the money," he said.

He spoke about the construction of a church in Guanapo linked to Patrick Manning's spirtual adviser and charged that the $30 million to finance it came from cost overruns on various government projects.

"It is time to run all of them out," he said.

"Fyzabad is saying tonight, Patrick has to go. Patrick days are numbered...we must send them packing. It is a beautiful land and this land belongs to every citizen of Trinidad and Tobago. It is not Patrick's property," Mc Leod declared.

He slammed Manning for fear mongering. And he announced: "I am going into government on the 25th of May under Kamla and I will ensure...that we regularize the terms and conditions of the people in CEPEP.

"We will eliminate the oppression that they are subjected to....and we will ensure that the wealth of this land is evenly distributed" and everyone would say "thank God for the unity that started in Fyzabad."

Ashworth Jack, leader of the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP), spoke about an opportunity that must be seized.

"I see a new land, a ray of hope that can only be stopped only if you want it to stop...together we have no choice but to save this country...they said we will never be able to unite...let them know that we have had enough, let them know that we are about to be liberated from an oppressive organization called the People's National Movement," he said.

Jack spoke about an accusation by a radio host that he has sold out Tobago for $15 million. He spoke of his love for Tobago and its people, saying he would give his life for the island. "Tobago cannot be sold...I will never sell Tobago to anyone," he said as he announced his plan to take legal action against his accuser.

Addressing the thousands massed at Fyzabad, Jack said, "You have come together because you have realized that if the country ever needed you it is now."

Jack spoke of the lack of the neglect of Tobago and said it is time for the PNM to go for failing to treat Tobago and Tobagonians with respect and to give the island its fair share.

"Your children will not forgive you if you allow this opportunity to pass...if you think its is bad now, it will only get worse...anybody can do it better, and nobody can do it worse that Patrick Manning," he said as he concluded.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai