Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Opposition leadership 2010

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

Kamla Persad Bissessar does not need labour leaders, labour leaders need her. The workers are all rallied against Mr Manning and the last thing that the coalition needs is another "fly in the ointment". It was aired on a radio station on Monday that the TOP in Tobago was "bought over" for 15 million dollars. And on Tuesday we also heard on radio that the NJAC is bankrupt; that they are owing monies to a bank and that they have not had any internal party elections for many decades. But perhaps the question of Errol Mc Leod raises more questions. Firstly when he retired from OWTU a newspaper reported that he was reluctant to disclose the sum of monies he received and instead gave a rude reply. In the matter of transparency can he be trusted ? We also heard on radio on Tuesday that the union had invested over $400 million in CLICO and that this may be a reason why they brokered a deal. We need to know what deal has been made in regard to this matter NOW ! This much was said on radio.

Transparency International's 2009 report states: "For parties, which play a crucial role in public life in any democracy, the message is clear: there must be absolute probity of party members and officials, and parties themselves must clean up their internal practices." Calder Hart has now become a back-burner, replaced by Jack Warner and Union leaders.

Labour leaders in this country are a bunch of dinosaurs who have been reluctant to adapt to the zeitgeist of the new century. For some two decades now the world has changed - workplace relations have also changed dramatically. According to Joanna Shelton of the OECD; " the speed of technological progress and organizational change is greater than any policy maker and social planner could have predicted. The process is not being led by government. On the contrary, in an increasingly globalised world,change is being driven by the aspirations of individuals seeking to identify new approaches to the problems and opportunities facing us."
It is innovation and creativity in the private sector that is driving change internationally.

Kamla Persad Bissessar needs to only look at the failed People's Democracy in December a failure of union leaders; and she will realize that these individuals bring nothing to the table. They come only to take. Stay far from them as the workers are with you. Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.Consolidate with your original MPs and you are guaranteed success.

P.S. Mc Leod says Kamla is my leader. Since when ?

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai