Friday, April 16, 2010

Crime #1 problem in TT; 86% unhappy with state of affairs: Poll

A new opinion poll in Trinidad and Tobago suggests that an overwhelming majority of citizens - 86 per cent of the population - are unhappy with the present state of the country.

And it suggests further that people believe the opposition United National Congress is best able to solve the country's problems.

The local organization Molepolole Trinidad and Tobago Limited conducted the survey of 614 persons between April 9 and April 12 - the three days immediately following the dissolution of Parliament.

According to the poll 70 per cent of respondents said they intend to vote in the upcoming election.

When asked which party is bet suited to solve the country's problems, just over 35 per cent said the UNC and 20 per cent chose the PNM. However just under 35 per cent gave no answer.

One interesting result from the survey is the opinion of respondents about a COP/UNC alliance.

When asked whether such an alliance would solve the country's problems, less than 5 per cent said yes. And just over 5 per cent suggested that COP alone would be best to fix the country's problems.

The pollsters also asked citizens to identify the major problems facing the country today. They put crime as the number one problem at 56 per cent. Corruption was next at 20 per cent with the government's failure to meet basic needs at 19 per cent.

The manager is the polling company is Dr. Bishnu Ragoonath. Commenting on the result he said, "the result illustrating 86 per cent of citizens stating that they are unhappy is something we are hearing from the ground, feedback that is coming from both sides of the political field."

He added, "Citizens are simply speaking out on how they really feel about the state of affairs presently."

However the pollsters said the results cannot be seen as an indication of how people will actually vote in the election, which is being held on May 24.

Molepolole's last political survey accurately predicted on January 21, 2010 that Kamla Persad-Bissessar would have emerged the new leader of the United National Congress.

Molepolole is a Market Research Company based in Trinidad and Tobago. Read more at

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai