Friday, April 16, 2010

Panday supports UNC but not chairman Warner

Former UNC leader Basdeo Panday told local media in Trinidad and Tobago Friday that he will support his party in the May 24 general election.

But at the same time he confirmed that he will run as an independent in Chaguanas West against UNC chairman, Jack Warner.

Panday was the MP for Couva North in the last Parliament and has represented the constituency since 1976 when he first entered politics.

But he refused to submit his name to contest the seat for the 2010 election, stating that he would not allow a screening committee that includes Warner to determine if he would be a candidate.

He said he is running in Warner's constituency because he wants to defeat Warner, not to split votes. Panday said his decision is to prevent Warner from being "inflicted on the people."

Panday and Warner were allies in the 2007 general election but they fell out over Warner's insistence on reorganising the party and holding internal elections.

Warner's struggle paid off when Panday eventually announced the election, hoping to be re-elected as leader.
But the tables were turned against Panday who was defeated 10-to-1 by Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Warner ran for the post of chairman and defeated Panday's nominee, Vasant Bharath.

Panday has repeatedly accused Warner of failing to account for millions of dollars from the 2007 general election, a charge that Warner has dismissed.

The former prime minister says the election is his birthday gift. He will turn 77 the day after the election.

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