Monday, March 22, 2010

Unions give TT Gov't ultimatum: drop TTRA or else!

More than a dozen trade unions met in Port of Spain Sunday and gave the Manning government an ultimatum: heed the workers' concerns or face labour unrest.

The labour groups want the government to drop the proposed Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority (TTRA) settle all outstanding union negotiations by Labour day on June 19 or face strong action.

The Public Services Association (PSA) has been carrying on a campaign on behalf of workers who would be affected by the government's decision to shut down Customs and Excise and the Board of Inland Revenue and replace them with the TTRA.

The House of Representatives has already passed the bill to establish the TTRA despite strong objections from labour and the opposition UNC.

It still has to get the approval from the Senate before becoming law.On Sunday labour showed strong support for the PSA battle and demanded that all Independent senators vote against the bill.

The six opposition Senators are committed to vote it down but with the government's majority and support from the independent benches it is likely to pass.

Oilfields Workers Trade Union (OWTU) President Ancel Roget said Sunday the issue for which the PSA is fighting is one that affects all workers.
In that context he said labour groups are giving the Government by Labour Day, June 19 of this year, to settle all outstanding negotiations, including this issue of the establishment of a TTRA or face a workers' revolt.
"Look out for a major announcement on Labour Day, June 19 of this year, if we did not have all of these protracted negotiations settled," he stated.

PSA president Watson Duke said the trade unions do not want to shut down the country. But he noted government is inviting such action by its disregard of local workers and a preference for foreign labour.

"It is quite clear they do not want workers in their country. What they want is servants," Duke said.

He added, "They do not want workers who will work independently of the Government and work for the people of this nation, so it is not about a shutdown, workers are going to stay home and ponder on this situation."

1 comment:

Bahtman said...

As the epic Vancouver punk-rock band D.O.A. says: "STAND UP! STAND AND UNITE! IT'S TIME FOR A GENERAL STRIKE!"

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai