Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Letter: T&T deserves a PM who is responsible to citizens

Trinidad is indeed the land of the "9 days wonder".

With the recent onslaught of articles and discussions over the UDeCOTT fiasco, I was indeed happy that at least the general public was actually reading the newspapers and carrying on intelligent conversations about the matter.

Then, in a puff of air Mr. Hart vanished and with him all concerns about the ills of his tenure here.

This is no different from the property tax, the building of the mystery church in the Heights of Aripo, the UNC elections and the list could go on indefinitely! I am left to wonder why do our people get worked up and then boil down like bhaggi.

On Sunday last, I chanced to be passing by my radio and was greeted by what seemed to be fish vendors vying for the attention of passers by.

On closer investigation I heard the name Kamla being bandied about and I thought for a moment in was just the UNC crabs in a barrel bickering as usual.

I was dismayed to learn that this indeed was not so. I recognized the voice of Louis Lee Sing screeching over the phone along with ramblings of Selwyn Cudjoe, Ferdie Ferreira and others all talking at the same time it appeared.

I gleaned that this was a debate following a panel discussion about the PNM administration.

I may be incorrect in my conclusion but it seems that the party faithfuls and older heads are less than satisfied with the present younger administration.

Now that Kamla Bissessar has done the unthinkable and took on the Lion and removed the unremovable Mr. Panday, many hail this as the demise of the PNM.

I fail to understand what all the panic and desperation was about and why Mr. Cudjoe felt it necessary to flutter down from his job at Wesley College and come and "save the PNM".

Where are he and other faithfuls all year through, day after day?

At the end of the day it matters not, at least to me, who is Prime Minister.

It is up to us the people to ensure that whoever fills the position does the job we demand of them. We as a people must dictate to our Chief Servant what must be done and ensure he/she follows our instructions.

It is of no consequence to which party you bear your allegiance, ensuring that good governance prevails is the responsibility of each and every citizen!

We might yet have, as I am told by a nine year old, the party of parties: THE UNITED NATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL MOVEMENT!!

Cynthia Aaron | Maracas, St Joseph

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai