Friday, March 19, 2010

TT to host special CARICOM summit on crime and security

The government of Trinidad and Tobago has confirmed that it is hosting a special one-day CARICOM summit in April to deal with crime and security.,

In confirming the event Thursday, foreign minister Paula Gopee-Scoon denied that the meeting is to create a distraction from the problems the country is currently facing.

She said the Government decided to hold this special meeting now to have an overall review of security matters because crime is of "utmost importance" for Trinidad and Tobago and the region.

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar pre-empted the government earlier in the week and announced that Prime Minister Patrick Manning had planed what she called a "summit of distraction".

In a media released she said, "The absurdity and senselessness of hosting this costly summit is reinforced by the fact that the Caricom leaders have just concluded a summit in Dominica only last week!"

"It is highly unusual for the Heads to meet more than twice a year and its next regular meeting is already scheduled for July in Jamaica," she stated.

Calling it "Manning’s Summit of Distraction" the UNC leader said the aim of the gathering is to create a distraction from "the corruption issues of Calder Hart, UDeCOTT, WASA, and HDC, the controversy of the Guanapo Church, crime, water shortage and a host of other pressing matters dogging his administration."

But Gopee-Scoon denied that and condemned Persad-Bissessar, who said the summit would be a waste of taxpayers' money.

Gopee-Scoon admitted that hosting the talks would be costly but suggested that it would be "controlled expenditure".

She noted that there will be no show or opening ceremony for the one-day conference. She also confirmed that the government of Trinidad and Tobago will pay for transportation and accommodation for each head of government and key members of the delegation. She said that is the normal practice.

The minister noted that some of the CARICOM leaders will arrive and leave on the day of the summit.

She added that it is not unusual for any CARICOM head of government to host a special meeting of the regional grouping if the talks are warranted.

Manning missed last week's CARICOM meeting in Dominica, which discussed among other things the state of regional economies. Gopee-Scoon attended the talks.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai