Friday, March 19, 2010

Police question PM Manning on Bakr affidavit

Police have confirmed that they are conducting investigations into a controversial affidavit sworn by Jamaat-al-Muslimeen leader Yasin Abu Bakr in which he has stated that he helped the People's National Movement (PNM) win the 2002 general election in return for certain favours from the state.

Information Minister Neil Parsanlal confirmed to reporters Thursday that police have asked certain PNM members for information about the matter. They include party leader, Prime Minister Patrick Manning, his wife, Hazel Manning, Colm Imbert, Dr Lenny Saith, and former cabinet ministers John Rahael and Larry Achong, sources said yesterday.

Manning has denied that he made any deal with Bakr.
High Court Judge Rajendra Narine had referred the affidavit to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Judge orders probe of PM Manning; orders auction of Abu Bakr's properties

In may last year, the acting DPP passed the affidavit on to the acting commissioner of police for action. But a few months later the attorney general told Parliament that there is no investigation of the matter involving Manning.

"It was the State's position from the onset in the courts, that there was no truth to these allegations and that accordingly, Mr Bakr's affidavit would have to be contradicted," Jeremie said on September 14, 2009.

He added that
"Senior Counsel advised that the alleged agreement on which Mr Bakr relied was illegal or contrary to public policy and that in accordance with settled principles of law the High Court should not take cognisance of it."

No probe of Manning on deal with Bakr: AG
READ RELATED STORY: Privy Council rules against T&T's Muslimeen; slams alleged deal with Abu Bakr

Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who is now the opposition leader, had also written the acting DPP asking for an investigation to determine whether the prime minister committed any offences.

Kamla asks DPP to investigate PM Manning on Bakr affidavit

Parsanlal confirmed that police have had "a conversation with the prime minister in relation to the Abu Bakr matter", adding that all persons named in Bakr's affidavit are being questioned.

“As far as we are aware the affidavit and the questions surrounding the affidavit have been an on going story...A battle has been fought in the courts and the matter is being investigated by the police and all persons who are named in the affidavit are being questioned by the police," Parsanlal told reporters.

However he dismissed a newspaper report that said police questioned Manning and Imbert about UDeCOTT and Calder Hart.

"The police meeting with the prime minister yesterday had absolutely nothing to do with Sunway, Calder Hart and all of the other things mentioned in the article," Parsanlal stated.

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