It was to instill a sense of patriotism, he said and was well worth the investment.
Read the story: Hunt admits flag cost $2M, no answers on boat
Related story: Jack challenges reporters to investigate $2M flag deal
On Sunday night the Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs went on national television and said he was wrong. It was a grave error, he said in a nationwide broadcast.
And he promised the nation that this would never again happen. Hunt's speech was mainly to boast about his ministry's achievements but he also said sometime there have been "a few missteps"
He said "one of these has been the construction of a national flag at the Hasely Crawford Stadium.
"The proposal to erect a national symbol at a facility that bears the name of our only Olympic gold medallist was a noble one but there were errors in its implementation."
He said his ministry has finally responded - five months later - to public opinion.
"I have since directed the Sports Company to adjust its systems and policies to ensure that nothing like this occurs in the future."
He added, "A national flag should never become the source of conflict and controversy and I wish to assure the national community that it will not happen again."
Hunt spoke about the coming of "a golden era of sport" in Trinidad and Tobago and outlined his achievements.
He said the successes in the last two years "are just the tip of the iceberg and the best is yet to come."
He also announced that the ministry's new development plan will take Trinidad and Tobago to "the highest levels of international sporting glory."
Hunt pledged to expand the ministry's Elite Athlete Assistance Program to include a larger base of talented citizens and said the Government intends to implement 48 more sustainable community youth programs throughout the country in 2010.
He pledged to work with communities, youth groups, schools and national sporting organisations to "scale even greater heights in the months and years ahead."
1 comment:
It is very insulting for our leaders to treat with our concerns in the manner they do, they are quick to imply that we are obstructionists and having political motives when we raise issues.
The following is an exchange between the Minister and myself via face book - this was before he realised that he mistepped. Yo come now and say the he has mistepped is just insulting.
Marlon RadioPolice 05 November 2009 at 09:23
Sir, could you do us a favour and not insult the citizens of this country please. We deserve better, after all you people depend on us to vote for you so you can have all that you have at our expense. I am trying to be very polite to you, well not you your office, but its difficult, so I would end by asking that you find it in your hart, if you have one, to not insult us.
Gary Hunt 05 November 2009 at 20:56 Report
I think it was honest to lay all the facts on the table.
Marlon RadioPolice 06 November 2009 at 09:03
but Sir, the facts came in trances, listen, no one in this country rases these issues just to make others look bad or that we hate them and want to bring them down, But please sir, you must understand, if you were on the outside of this matter looking in as we are, I am sure that you would understand that from the outset it did not and cannot make sense. You first indicated that you were not too sure of the cost, but also indcated that Cabinet approved it, how could cabinet approve it without a cost. You then stated that it (the flag) cost 18,500, then eventuallly you indicated that the cost was approximately 2 million. How does this look to you sir, honestly? People in this country does have alot of national pride, but we do not need a flag to tell us that we are a proud people, we need water, good roads, safe communities with recreational facilities, to name a few. Again sir we rasie these matters for one purpose, and that is to force a change in the priorities. I do hope you can understand.
Thanks for your reply anyways
Gary Hunt 06 November 2009 at 19:54 Report
There are many notes that come before cabinet. This year so far over 3000 notes have come before cabinet for approval!!! Last year when that was approved it was part of a larger work programme for the HCS and JPC. Difficult to remember numeric details of each note. The flag cost $15,600 + VAT. The structures required to fly the flag is what we clarified. Open and honest. SPORTT even took out and Ad in the paper and gave exact figures. Water, good roads, and safe communities and recreational facilities are constantly being worked on. Remember each dept. of Government is given an budget to operate. This year MSYA operated with very high efficiency. A lot more was done for a lot less. Millions was given back to the Minister of Finance by MSYA. National development is being implemented on many fronts.
Marlon RadioPolice 10 November 2009 at 12:47
For the past few days I have been trying to come up with a reply to this, but I cannot seem to come up with one, except to say, please sir - lets rethink how we spend D people money nah.
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