Sports Minister Gary Hunt admitted Wednesday that a huge national flag at the Hasely Crawford Stadium cost more than $2 million dollars and he also confirmed that the government has bought three additional national flags for more than $18,000 plus each.
But he is yet to explain details of a boat docked at the Trinidad & Tobago Yacht Club carrying the title: "Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs".
He explained that it is wrong to say that the flag cost $2 million since the overall cost includes the construction of the flagpole. Here's how the cost breaks down:
- flag and fabric: $18,112,15
- foundation and installation works: TT$940,000
- design and supply of the ’monster flag pole’: TT$932,400
- Hunt also said his ministry has bought three additional flags at a cost of TT$54,336.
Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner raised both issues this week in a release saying this "raises some critical questions about the use of our taxpayer’s toil at a time when the entire world is still gasping for a breath of new life following the financial crisis".
On the flag issue, Warner said Hunt's priorities are wrong and he continues to set "unconquerable standards of ministerial absurdity". He said Hunt must explain the "exorbitant and excessive" purchases when he is yet to "consider" a reward to the country's cricketing heroes.
Warner said the minister must also explain why the flag and boat have taken precedence over the refurbishment of hundreds of sports facilities across the nation.
A picture supplied by Warner shows a fancy craft painted in national colours. Warner said its arrival coincided with a erection of the massive national flag, which "allegedly cost the state some two million dollars".
Warner said, "The vessel and the flag speak more than a thousand words of mismanagement of the public’s purse and of an offensive and obscene misapplication of the Ministry’s budgetary allocation."
He added, "It is a frightening revelation which points to what is an obvious misuse of state funds and an indictment on the Government’s prioritization of issues facing the nation.
"It is an odious, abhorrent and repulsive act against those who live below the poverty line," he said.
Warner demanded that the Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs give an account to the people and explain the rationale behind the purchase of both vessel and flag.
"He must come clean on the justification and motivation behind both. With respect to the mystery boat, the Minister must set out what purpose it serves.
"Is the Sport Ministry a part of the Ministry of National Security which makes the boat a part of the crime fighting plan? Does the Ministry participate in off shore fishing and racing? Is it used to sport State officials around our coast?
"The Minister must, with urgency, state from whom the vessel was purchased, when and at what cost. He must also state with alacrity whether it was an authorized priority item under the Ministry’s budgetary allocation.
"He would do well to appreciate however, that both vessel and flag have not lifted loyalty or self esteem but have promoted further anxiety amongst a population that continues to lose hope. Hunt’s flag and boat have discouraged an already emotionally hurt nation, which is keen on national development; not on mammoth emblems and speedy toys," Warner said.
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