Thursday, January 7, 2010

Panday says Sen. Oudit should resign

Basdeo Panday told reporters Wednesday that Opposition Senator Lyndira Oudit should resign is she no longer has confidence in him.

Oudit stood alone against the Parliamentary caucus of the United National Front, refusing to join 14 other legislators in signing a letter pledging "unconditional support" for Panday.

Read the story:
Sen. Oudit didn't endorse Panday, supports Kamla

She had previously written to the UNC leader pledging her support and offering to serve with him is he asked. But she changed her position and decided to support Kamla Persad-Bissessar who is challenging Panday for the leadership of the UNC.

Speaking with reporters Wednesday, Panday said, "If she has no confidence in the person who appointed her, she should do the decent thing and resign."

Panday has the sole authority to hire and fire opposition senators. Five of the six members representing the opposition in the Senate and members of the UNC and the six is a COP member.

Panday has said he has no problem with people supporting other candidates, noting that it is their democratic right to do so. He again expressed that position in relation to a decision by former Chaguanas mayor Suruj Rambachan to endorse Persad-Bissessar.

"In Trinidad and Tobago, people are free to join political parties, associate freely with whom they wish," he told the Trinidad Express.

Panday has said this internal election is not a personal issue but rather about protecting the integrity of the party and making sure it is not taken over by another party.

He launches his campaign Friday evening in Penal, which is in the Siparia constituency held by Persad-Bissessar.

He told the media Penal "is one of our favourite constituencies, it is one of our favourite meetings spots."

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