Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sen. Oudit didn't endorse Panday, supports Kamla

Opposition Senator Lyndira Oudit issued a media release Monday stating that she did not sign any document pledging unconditional support for Basdeo Panday in his campaign for the leadership of the United National Congress (UNC).

Oudit was responding to a story in the Sunday Guardian of Dec. 27 that named 10 MPs and five opposition senators are endorsing Panday for the post of leader in the January 24th, 2010 election.

JYOTI has obtained a copy of the document, which shows 14 signatures. Oudit's name is on the one-page letter, but there is no signature. Oudit distanced herself from any document purporting to contain her signature. (see document below)
(click on image to see full screen)

The senator also announced that she is throwing her support behind Siparia MP Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who is running against Panday in the election.

"I sincerely believe Mrs. Persad-Bissessar is the best candidate for the job because of her record of dedication to our party, her sterling service to the nation and her constituents, both in and out of government, and her unifying influence within and outside the UNC," she said.

She added, "I am not alone in my conviction that Mrs. Persad-Bissessar is the right person for the job. The groundswell of support for her from our members is evidence that our party members are ready for the transformation that she has promised."

She urged all those who are eligible to vote "to put aside blind loyalty to Mr. Panday and look to the future...I am convinced that in the present circumstances if Mr. Panday is returned as leader of our party we will be doomed to remain in opposition in perpetuity."

She said she made the commitment to stand with Persad-Bissessar at the risk of being dismissed as a member of the Senate.
The senate meets Tuesday to debate the property tax bill and Oudit is expected to make her presentation to the senate on that controversial legislation.

One reliable UNC source told JYOTI that this is an about face by the senator who had written to Panday expressing support for him and offering herself to run as a member of his team in the internal elections.

Another source, who asked to remain anonymous, said Oudit's change of heart is likely because Panday already has a slate in which she is not included.

Oudit denied that. In an interview with JYOTI she confirmed that she did write to Panday earlier this month before Persad-Bissessar announced her intention to run for the leadership.

She said time and circumstance have caused her to change her mind. She said she now believes that the Siparia MP is the best person to lead the party, fix its internal problems and win an election.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai